Is Your School Organizing A Big Donation Campaign To Support A Local Charity?

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May it be books or clothes or dry rations, you will be dealing with a lot of items which you will need to keep track of quite meticulously. From collection, to keeping a registry, to distribution, there are many aspects that you need to keep in mind, in order to kick start the process and to run it methodically. We have put together a list of things that may come handy to you when organizing an event of this nature.

Send out the word

First of all, make sure that you have spread the news about the donation campaign around the school and in your locality. This is crucial as the quality and the number of the donations you receive depend on how many people you reach out to. Social media is definitely a quick and easy way to disseminate information. But you may also have to focus on local newspapers and local community centers to make sure that everyone hears about the initiative. Give clear instructions on what items you want and where they can be dropped off.

Collection point

Your collection point needs to be active during the hours that you have communicated to the community. Therefore, keep a roster to make sure that a few people are present at the collection point. Don’t forget to maintain a register of the items you receive. Take stock of what you have collected at the end of every day and spend the word out on the items which haven’t been gathered in adequate numbers. Make sure that those manning the collection point are up-to-date with all the necessary information in case someone comes to them with a question. Keep an updated register with them so that they can easily answer questions related to donations.

Storage and distribution

Looking for a storage area where goods can be stored securely is crucial. Make sure that you find enough space and also that the space is secure of dampness or insects which may harm the goods. Also, you will not find it very difficult to carry a day’s donation to the storage area. But when it comes to distribution which must happen efficiently, carrying loads of goods might be a challenge. Look into where you can find used forklifts for sale in Australia or other equipment which will help you carry off the goods easily. All in all, planning is of prime importance when you undertake a big task such as this. But, while it is challenging, planning it meticulously and executing it to perfection will help you gather a lot of useful skills while contributing to make a difference in your community.

Check this link to find out more details.

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